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Summary of Benefits and Coverage

  New disclosure requirements that became law under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) directed the Departments of Labor, the Treasury and Health and Human Services to develop standards for a Summary of Benefits and Coverage along with a uniform glossary of health insurance and medical terms.

We (FirstFleet), as the sponsor of your self-funded medical plan, are providing this information to you in order to assist you in your review, evaluation and understanding of your medical plan options and to meet the disclosure requirements of PPACA.

You can access a letter of explanation, as well as the summary of benefits for both medical plans (plan 1 and plan 2), and a uniform glossary of health insurance and medical terms by access our Employee Resources page (login required) at www.firstfleetinc.com.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time.



Posted in: Employees