Hello FirstFleet!
The annual one-week enforcement and educational campaign, Operation Safe Driver Week will occur July 11-17.
FirstFleet would like to do our part to help reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by accidents that occur on our roadways across the US. We all know just how deadly crashes can be when they involve large trucks.
We also know that 94% of traffic crashes are caused by driver actions. Some of these actions could be speeding, driving while distracted by a phone or other object in the vehicle, or driving under the influence. 2020 was a particularly deadly year on America’s roads with accidents increasing 24%, even though fewer people were on the roads. We are joining with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance and law enforcement personnel to help increase the safety of our roads.
Here at FirstFleet, we employ a team of 3k professional drivers who are on the road all day, every day. We have a wealth of experience at our fingertips and we want to hear from you. We want to hear your tips for staying safe on the roads and to know how you avoid accidents. Also, what have you done when in a bad situation to stay safe?
If you are willing to share your road wisdom with our team and community, please call: 615-257-9905 and leave a message. If you are comfortable sharing a video safety message with us, you can email it to [email protected]. We would like for all of our drivers to call in and leave a short audio message that we will combine into a safety video for not just our drivers, but also our community. Participants will also be added into a drawing for four $25 gift cards.
Listen to this week's podcast for more information: https://firstfleet.transistor.fm/
Thank you so much for all you do to keep yourself and others safe on the roads while you haul essential goods across our country.