We have found that this website (
https://www.thehealthytrucker.net) is chock full of relevant information for our associates that spend the majority of your time on the road. This is a site that written by others in the trucking industry that are interested in providing useful tips to keep all of healthy while on the road.
We will forward our weekly updates to you through these blog posts, or you can keep up with the weekly tips directly by following this link to add your email at Fit and Fueled to receive the tips directly in your email. Fitand Fueled is a resource that is dedicated to providing you what you need to motivate you to remain healthy and active at all times.
Here is a sample of a recent Fit and Fueled article for you to read.
Plus, you can read these articles directly from the links provided here:
35 Minute In Cab Truck Driver Workout
1 Awesome Trucker Workout You Haven't Thought Of
The Best Workout Equipment for Cramped Spaces
10 In-Cab Exercises for Truckers
We will forward you more updates from Fit and Fueled weekly going forward. But more importantly, we all want to hear from you and exercise and nutrition habits that you have found beneficial for you. Please post a comment on this blog with your health tips.
Thank you,
Your Wellness Team