Open Enrollment is quickly coming to an end. This Sunday, October 31st will be your last opportunity to make changes to your current benefits and dependents unless you have a Life Event. You don’t have to do anything if you want to keep all of your benefit elections the same in 2022. They will simply rollover, uninterrupted into the new year. The only exception is to your Flexible Spending Account. If you still need to make benefit elections for 2022 you will need to use one of the enrollment options below before October 31st.
1. Go to www.firstfleetinc.com/openenrollment to access your self-service portal and follow the steps to enroll.
2. For questions call 1-866-824-2534 by this Friday from 8am to 8pm EST. A Colonial Life Representative will be available to answer questions and review plan information
Also, don’t forget! If you added new dependents during this year’s Open Enrollment look for an Email from www.AuditOS.com, our Dependent Verification partner, containing instructions on how you can verify any new dependents you may have added to your benefits. You will only have 30 days to verify new dependents to ensure they are on your elections for 2022.
Questions along the way? See your Terminal Manager, contact an HR Representative at [email protected], or call the Benefit Call Center by Friday at (866) 824-2534. Have a great October!